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da fox

Our passion is didactic communication.

Since 2012, we have been creating graphic design, 2D/3D animation, motion design, and web design.


Skinetic, the Haptic Vest

  • Actronika
  • Animation

A series of GIFs to illustrate the operating principles of the haptic technologies developed by Actronika.

Actronika develops haptic technologies and products—the science of touch—in a booming market: virtual reality, or VR.

Actronika’s Skinetic vest is designed to deliver tactile information that aligns with what you see on the screen when you enter the world of virtual reality.

The Skinetic vest is still under development, and this set of GIFs is designed to highlight and explain Actronika’s innovation: using a VCM “Voice Coil Motor” instead of the traditional ERM “eccentric rotating mass” solution.